Niche Store Writer Makes Content Generation Easy

If you start an online business you'll soon find that one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks you face is content generation. You need to create a LOT of content. That content has to be unique, and it has to be loaded with keywords that target your market without being spammy.

It can be a royal pain.

I've tried several programs that generate content and, frankly, I haven't found a single one that's worth a damn. The content sounds like it was created by an idiot or a robot. I really didn't expect much from Niche Store Writer either, but it came highly recommended by someone I trust so I decided to check it out.

Man, am I glad I did!

Somebody finally got it right. Niche Store Writer helps you create unique, keyword rich content quickly and easily. You just load a template, tell the program what keyword phrases you want to insert and, as Emeril would say, BAM! It gives you a preview, tells you the keyword density, and lets you further edit the HTML if you wish.

It's a real time-saver.

If you want to see just how easy and useful this program is, check out the video.

The tools you need for a successful online business are the tools that make it easier to do what needs to be done and allow you to get a lot more done very quickly. Get the tools that make it easier for you to succeed, and make that success happen faster.

Do Ants Scratch There Ass?

Have you ever asked the question do ants scratch there ass? Probably not. So what in the world does this have to do with starting an online business? Quite a bit, actually.

Optimizing a page for a phrase like "do ants scratch there ass" is a little trick for getting your site indexed by Google very quickly. It's something absolutely nobody on the internet is searching for. So when the happy little googlebot spider hears the ping on this post and comes merrily skipping along, it sees "do ants scratch there ass" and goes, "la lala lala... what the heck? Never seen that before." and, hey presto! your site gets indexed for that term very quickly.

So what's the point of getting Google to recognize you as te leading expert for a phrase like do ants scratch there ass? The point is not to get traffic from "do ants scatch there ass" or keyword authority for that term. It's about getting your site in the Google index as fast as possible. Your site cannot rank for any term until it's in the index.

Of course, you don't need to use the term do ants scratch there ass. Just use something very unusual. Notice the misspelling of "their" in the phrase. It's part of what makes the term very unusual and less likely to have ever been indexed.

It also brings up the value of misspellings. Yarr, there be traffic in misspellings. Variation is simply another long tail. English has some bizarre spelling rules that even native speakers routinely screw up. Imagine how difficult it is for someone who learned English is a second language. And typos are common even for people who spell extremely well. So you can find some traffic for "strat an online business" or "make monney online". Just don't be spammy about it.

The question do ants scratch there ass was first posed by Vic at his site on making money online, and was Griz quickly jumped in from his make money online site. I urge you to read both of their posts, and in fact everything else on their sites. These guys know their stuff, and their sites are a gold mine of information for anyone who wants to learn how to make money online.

Now I wonder... do ants scratch there ass? Hmmm.

Online Marketing Success Basics

In order to start a successful online business you need to learn how to find a profitable niche, do keyword research so you can find good long tail keywords, optimize your pages for the search engines, Google in particular, and get lots of keyword targeted backlinks. Now, detailed information about all these tasks is waaaaaay beyond the scope of a single post, but here's an overview.

What the Heck is a Niche?

A niche is a subset of a larger market. If you try to sell "digital cameras" you'll be in competition with a HUGE market with big, established players, and it will take you a lot of work to land on the front page of Google for such a generic term. It would be much easier to target "Canon digital cameras," and even easier to go after "Canon PowerShot Digital ELPH Camera." The traffic is lower on these long tail keyword phrases, but they are very profitable. They're much easier rank well for, and you can't make money unless you rank well in Google. It's as simple as that. Go for the long tail while you build keyword authority for shorter terms.

Getting Keyword Authority

Keyword authority is what one site gets when another site links to them with a specific keyword phrase. If I link to Bill's site marketing cameras with the link text "Bill's site," Bill will get keyword authority for the term "Bill's site," which will do him absolutely no good whatsoever. However, if I link to Bill's site with the link text "Canon PowerShot Digital ELPH Camera," the page I link to will get a little keyword authority for that term. Rather than link to the front page of Bill's site, I would ideally link to the page on Bill's site that he has optimized for the term "Canon PowerShot Digital ELPH Camera." Now all Bill has to do is get a LOT more keyword targeted backlinks.

Optimizing Your Pages

An optimized page is built around specific keyword phrases. You put the keywords in your page title, in your post title, in your headings and subheadings, and throughout your post. BUT DON'T BE SPAMMY. Keyword stuffing will be quickly caught by Google and your site will be de-indexed, meaning you won't even appear in the search results. Long gone are the days when you could just stick a lot of repeated keywords on a page and rank well.

Getting Backlinks

Getting lots of keyword specific targeted backlinks is the most important thing you can do for your online business. How many? As many as you can. Links from articles, links from Squidoo lenses, links from HubPages, links from other blogs, links from forums. You can never have too many links. Believe me, if you and I are both targeting a certain keyword phrase and you get a hundred links while I get ten thousand, I'll come out on top in the SERPs. This is where tools like Article Submitter and Bookmarking Demon are so important.

Keyword Research

Now, for keyword research you can use free tools like the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, the Free Keyword Suggestion Tool from Wordtracker, Digitalpoint's Free Keyword Suggestion Tool. If cash is really tight, you can do pretty well with those. You'll do better buying a short term trial from Wordze, but that can get expensive real quick. I prefer the one time cost of Keyword Elite. It ain't cheap, but it is THE tool professional marketers use for keyword research for a reason. It works brilliantly.

Start An Online Business Cheap

You really need to invest in tools for your internet marketing business as soon as you are able to do so. Good tools allow you to start making money online much more easily. Internet marketing is a business, and you have to take your business seriously. A business requires investment to succeed.

But an online business is different from the brick and mortar kind. There aren't many opportunities in the offline world to start a home based business with zero capital and have it bring in a lot of money. You can do that online. Don't have any equity? Then you have to spend plenty of sweat equity. Sweat equity is the time and effort that you put into your business. The whole point of buying the essential tools for your online business is to reduce that effort and allow you to accomplish much more. You use capital to reduce the sweat equity. Until you have the cash to spend, you have to spend a lot of time and effort.

There's a bit more to it than that, though. Good online marketing tools also allow you to do much more detailed and in depth research and link building than would be possible on your own no matter how much time and effort you spend.

Affiliate Marketing

Now, you can start an online store with products from a manufacturer who dropships, setting up a shopping cart and getting a merchant account and all that. It's profitable, but it's also a lot of work, and not the best way to start making money online. Getting started with affiliate marketing is much easier and more profitable for the amount of effort involved. Pay per click affiliate marketing is extremely profitable, but also risky. It's easy to lose a lot of money that way, and you have to know a lot about it before you start messing around with PPC.

No, you don't want to buy traffic. The only alternative is to generate organic search engine traffic. How do you manage that? SEO. Search engine optimization. Optimize your pages for specific long tail keywords, and get lots of keyword targeted backlinks to those pages. That's the long and short of it.

Next time we'll be looking at selecting a niche, finding keywords, and optimizing your pages. Stay tuned! Same Bat time, Same Bat channel!

Online Marketing Tools You Need For Success

This blog is for anyone who wants to make money with an online business. I'm sick of seeing online marketing scams that hurt people who are just looking to start a successful business on the web. Beware internet scammers pushing useless ebooks and tools! The tools and information you find here are tools that established marketers with a successful online marketing business use to make money online easier and faster.

Forget the worthless information you've seen all over the web. You don't need a fancy domain to make a lot of money online. Crappy little free blogs like this one work very, very well... if you know how to make it work. You don't need—in fact you don't want—a ton of social marketing traffic. That sort of traffic doesn't convert. What you need is long tail keyword targeted traffic from the search engines—Google in particular. Don't worry, I'll explain all these terms and techniques in detail soon.

You don't need to invest a lot of money in tools and ebooks. You can start an online business on a shoestring, and I'll show you how it's done. You DO want to invest in some tools and worthwhile information as soon as you possibly can, though. It's the only way to achieve tremendous success with an online business. Some things you simply can't do at all without the right tools. You wouldn't try to start a carpentry business without buying a hammer and saw, now would you? Of course not.

Listen, there are lots of internet marketing scams and no shortage of scammers online. So why should you trust me? YOU BLOODY WELL SHOULDN'T. Not until I've earned your trust. Even then, always keep on your toes. The scammer's MO is to gain your trust and then exploit the heck out of it. IT'S UP TO YOU TO DO DUE DILIGENCE. The more you learn the easier it gets to evaluate the quality of the information someone is giving you. It doesn't take long to spot the make money online scams when you understand the way they work.

Right now I can only recommend three other sources for good information on how to start an online business.

I hope to make this site an invaluable resource for people who want to learn how to make money online, so stay tuned. An RSS feed will be set up soon.