Start An Online Business Cheap

You really need to invest in tools for your internet marketing business as soon as you are able to do so. Good tools allow you to start making money online much more easily. Internet marketing is a business, and you have to take your business seriously. A business requires investment to succeed.

But an online business is different from the brick and mortar kind. There aren't many opportunities in the offline world to start a home based business with zero capital and have it bring in a lot of money. You can do that online. Don't have any equity? Then you have to spend plenty of sweat equity. Sweat equity is the time and effort that you put into your business. The whole point of buying the essential tools for your online business is to reduce that effort and allow you to accomplish much more. You use capital to reduce the sweat equity. Until you have the cash to spend, you have to spend a lot of time and effort.

There's a bit more to it than that, though. Good online marketing tools also allow you to do much more detailed and in depth research and link building than would be possible on your own no matter how much time and effort you spend.

Affiliate Marketing

Now, you can start an online store with products from a manufacturer who dropships, setting up a shopping cart and getting a merchant account and all that. It's profitable, but it's also a lot of work, and not the best way to start making money online. Getting started with affiliate marketing is much easier and more profitable for the amount of effort involved. Pay per click affiliate marketing is extremely profitable, but also risky. It's easy to lose a lot of money that way, and you have to know a lot about it before you start messing around with PPC.

No, you don't want to buy traffic. The only alternative is to generate organic search engine traffic. How do you manage that? SEO. Search engine optimization. Optimize your pages for specific long tail keywords, and get lots of keyword targeted backlinks to those pages. That's the long and short of it.

Next time we'll be looking at selecting a niche, finding keywords, and optimizing your pages. Stay tuned! Same Bat time, Same Bat channel!