Do Ants Scratch There Ass?

Have you ever asked the question do ants scratch there ass? Probably not. So what in the world does this have to do with starting an online business? Quite a bit, actually.

Optimizing a page for a phrase like "do ants scratch there ass" is a little trick for getting your site indexed by Google very quickly. It's something absolutely nobody on the internet is searching for. So when the happy little googlebot spider hears the ping on this post and comes merrily skipping along, it sees "do ants scratch there ass" and goes, "la lala lala... what the heck? Never seen that before." and, hey presto! your site gets indexed for that term very quickly.

So what's the point of getting Google to recognize you as te leading expert for a phrase like do ants scratch there ass? The point is not to get traffic from "do ants scatch there ass" or keyword authority for that term. It's about getting your site in the Google index as fast as possible. Your site cannot rank for any term until it's in the index.

Of course, you don't need to use the term do ants scratch there ass. Just use something very unusual. Notice the misspelling of "their" in the phrase. It's part of what makes the term very unusual and less likely to have ever been indexed.

It also brings up the value of misspellings. Yarr, there be traffic in misspellings. Variation is simply another long tail. English has some bizarre spelling rules that even native speakers routinely screw up. Imagine how difficult it is for someone who learned English is a second language. And typos are common even for people who spell extremely well. So you can find some traffic for "strat an online business" or "make monney online". Just don't be spammy about it.

The question do ants scratch there ass was first posed by Vic at his site on making money online, and was Griz quickly jumped in from his make money online site. I urge you to read both of their posts, and in fact everything else on their sites. These guys know their stuff, and their sites are a gold mine of information for anyone who wants to learn how to make money online.

Now I wonder... do ants scratch there ass? Hmmm.